Freedom to provide services in Belgium

Bellow you will find the conditions for the freedom to provide services in Belgium as an EU citizen

Freedom to Provide Services

The freedom to provide services allows a business to operate temporarily in another EU country without needing a physical establishment there. This is particularly suitable for short-term assignments, enabling experts to offer their services without establishing a permanent entity.

Conditions to Fulfill

In accordance with the law of February 12, 2008, experts must inform the relevant chamber of the Institute in writing prior to their first arrival in Belgium. This declaration includes information about insurance or other forms of professional protection. The declaration must be renewed annually if services are provided temporarily or occasionally. Additionally, the following documents must be submitted:

a) Proof of nationality;

b) A certificate of legal establishment in a member state;

c) Proof of professional qualifications;

d) If applicable, proof of at least two years of experience in the last ten years;

e) For certain security professions, proof of the absence of criminal convictions, if required by Belgian authorities.

Foreign experts will be registered in the service provision register by the competent chamber of the Institute.

Processing Time

Applications for admission to the Institute of Automotive Experts will be processed within two months of receiving a complete dossier, depending on the complexity of the application.


The application is free, and foreign experts utilizing the freedom to provide services do not pay a membership fee to the Institute.

Appeal in Case of Refusal

In the event of application denial, the applicant may contest the decision according to applicable legislation.


Organizations such as Be-Assist can provide useful information to candidates to facilitate the establishment process. Be-Assist is an assistance centre which assists citizens originating from Member States in exercising their rights conferred by Directive 2005/36/EC concerning the recognition of professional qualifications