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● I would like to organize training sessions. What are the steps to follow?

The specifications and descriptive sheet are available on our website www.iaeiea.be.

To validate the training: A descriptive sheet must be sent to the institute by email at infoiaeieabe.

This sheet must include at least:

  • Name of the organization responsible for the course;
  • Name of the training center (if different);
  • Training location or the mention "online only";
  • Course subject;
  • Proposed date(s);
    o Information regarding the possibility of other dates;
  • For annual training cycles, information on the availability of various dates;
  • Language(s);
  • Course summary;
  • Training open to everyone;
  • Estimated duration of the technical component in hours and half-hours;
  • Training cost;
    o And/or *Training voucher (Walloon Region) possible;
    o And/or *SME support possible;
  • Number of participants;
    o Maximum – minimum.
● What is the content of the training courses that are legally required in the context of continuing eduction?

The continuing education program is designed to provide or maintain the professional knowledge required to practice the profession of Automotive Expert.

This training must be directly related to the activities of the Automotive Expert as defined in the law of May 15, 2007.

● Can training hours be granted for participation in a company visit, event, or conference?
Yes, this is possible, provided that it has been validated in advance by the Training Committee. A company visit can indeed be educational when it addresses the production process, with the company's technicians providing an educational contribution. These visits are accompanied by questions and answers during and after the visit. However, it is clear that the relevant body will ensure that only the appropriate number of hours are considered.
● Can a course be validated retroactively? 

The form for a training approval request, including the date(s) of the training session(s), must be submitted along with the training sheet to the Council, represented by the "Training Committee," for validation at least one month before the training session.

In exceptional cases, the Council, represented by the "Training Committee," may deviate from the principle of prior approval. In such requests, an explanation must be provided as to why the application deadline could not be met.

In any case, even in the event of post-approval, proof of participation in the training must be provided.

● Does taking the same course multiple times entitle one to hours under the legal obligation for continuing education?

No, the hours obtained and presented again for the same training are not valid. It is not permitted for a person to retake the same course to fulfill the required hours.

The Institute emphasizes the ethical responsibility of members to pursue relevant training that enables them to keep their knowledge of automotive expertise up to date.

● Do the attendance sheets for the training need to be filled out and signed? If so, by whom?

For each training session, the training center must have the attendance sheet signed at the beginning and end of the session.

The training centers must email the Institute's secretariat with a list of the automotive experts who have received a participation certificate.

● What information should appear on the certificate of participation?
The course title, the IAE validation number, the trainer's name, the expert's IAE number and the number of hours validated.

● Can the excess training hours be carried over to the next training year?

No, the law and regulations clearly define that a minimum of 15 hours per year must be observed.
● Must a certificate of participation be issued after each training session?

Yes, the expert who has completed the training ensures that they receive their certificate. They can receive it on-site, by email, by post, or otherwise.

The participant must keep the attendance certificate issued by the training organizer for a period of five years.

In the absence of an attendance sheet from the training organizer, the participant must be able to provide a certificate or, if that is not available, proof of their participation.

● What happens when a person arrives late for continuing education or leaves the course too early? 

A prematurely terminated training is only valid upon presentation of proof of exceptional circumstances. If an expert leaves the training prematurely, they will not receive any training hours unless they justify their departure due to exceptional circumstances to the training committee.
● What happens if a member does not complete the annually required number of training hours?
The concerned Chamber of the Council will hand over the case to the Disciplinary Commission, which will take appropriate action.
● Do training sessions held abroad also count towards the legal requirement for continuing education?
Yes, only training accredited by the Institute is eligible. It is clear that the Institute only validates training for which it has sufficient reliable information.